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Tara Impact Story


An ordinary housewife Tara, married to Yoginder, a motor mechanic with three children, till few months ago found it difficult to run the house on meager salary of her husband. But they had dream of educating their children, so that they don’t face harsh life.
Tara soon realized that she needs to pick up a skill which will help her earn to supplement family income. She came to Aarohan to join Fashion Designing and Tailoring and underwent six months basic and advance course.

She learnt designing, cutting and tailoring techniques. Fastest learner in the group, she got a job at boutique soon after.
Financial independence gave self confidence and say in the family matters and decisions.
Coming to know of her desire to educate her children Aarohan extended help, both in terms of financial support and after school hour educational supports.

The children, studying in standard 9 th , 7 th and 6 th are doing well in school.
Needless to say there is a marked improvement in their living condition and Tara’s family has become an example in the community.

Will to achieve, determination and hard work pays.